The A to Z of Dinosaurs

The A to Z of Dinosaurs: An Essential Guide to the Paleontology, Biology, and History of the Terrible Lizards.

This dinosaur book is a lively, fascinating, and laugh-out-loud funny work for those of us who never outgrew our obsession with these wonderful creatures. Part of the A to Z Essential Guides, the text dives deep into the world of the “terrible lizards,” from antorbital fenestra to Zuul crurivastator.

What started out as a set of blog posts for the 2024 A to Z Challenge has now grown to include added material, links between chapters, and nearly 100 illustrations, a fun way to uncover the mysteries of paleontology. The A to Z of Dinosaurs covers the topic of dinosaurs with clear and entertaining explanations, rather than academic-speak. Key topics include:

>What makes a dinosaur a dinosaur?
>Were dinosaurs warm-blooded?
>Was Godzilla a dinosaur?
>What really caused dinosaurs to become extinct?

And, most of all, how do we know? Prepare to examine evidence, debunk myths, and bring the latest discoveries to life. Whether you’re a long-time dino fan or a newcomer to the study of paleontology, this book promises to satisfy your curiosity.

Click here for a paperback or Kindle version from Amazon. (You can also read the Introduction and first chapter).

Or, click here to find links to eBook versions at Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo, and other fine retailers. (Paperback non-Amazon version is coming!)
